Paul Goldman
Paul Goldman is a former senior advisor to governors L. Douglas Wilder and Mark R. Warner. Paul will discuss the recent senate election in Richmond/Petersburg, Virginia and the issues related to the democratic leadership going forward.
Paul Goldman is a former senior advisor to governors L. Douglas Wilder and Mark R. Warner. Paul will discuss the recent senate election in Richmond/Petersburg, Virginia and the issues related to the democratic leadership going forward.
Former City Council Member
Ralph S. Northam
Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
Lt.Gov discussed his vote on the ultra sound bill and other political issues.
Jennifer L. McClellan
Delegate McClellan will discuss the repeal of the abortion ultra sound mandate and other political issues in 2014 General Assembly Session.
Spokeswoman for the Virginia Department of Transportation
Director to the NAACP’s Washington Bureau / Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy
Mr. Shelton discussed the President’s 2014 State of Union Message, NAACP programs, Voting Suppression efforts by some states and take questions.
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